Mahogany, is a type of tropical timber which has a unique texture and a distinctive reddish color. These features combine with it’s strength makes this species is widely use in building construction and furniture industries. Availability is very abundant as it is fast growing so that the price is relatively cheap.
However Mahogany is very susceptible to termite. So often we meet a fine powder which spreads around your furniture. In fact you have cleaned it before. If this continues, it will really disrupt the beauty in your room and of course your furniture will be damaged.
In Wisanka we aware of these mahogany infirmity, and manage it so that this problem not arises in your room. Correct processing standards and details included in our production process. Anti-termite solution applied with great care that will not damage the furniture and safe for workers and the environment. This procedure ensures a quality mahogany wooden furniture from Wisanka.